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7 Winter Cleaning Best Practices

Everyone loves to talk about spring cleaning, and while that time of year is important for cleaning, we wanted to touch base on winter and the best cleaning practices that you can do at home or in the office.

Is winter cleaning a thing?

Yes, it is and it’s important to make it a priority to help stop the spread of germs and viruses, which are usually more prevalent during the colder months. Wintertime is the perfect opportunity for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting the areas where you spend the most amount of time indoors!

What should you clean in the winter?

Floors, bathrooms, carpets, entryways, high-touch point surfaces, and other high-traffic areas. If you are unsure of what the definition of a high-traffic area and high-touch point surfaces are and why they are important to clean, don’t worry we wrote a blog all about that! Click here.

You should also make sure to be cleaning and changing out your supplies such as sponges, mop heads, and vacuum filters and bags. A lot of the time people will forget to change out or clean these items that are used almost every day! To get the most out of your cleaning routine don’t forget to add this to the top of your to-do list. 

Tips for making winter cleaning more efficient

Tips for making winter cleaning more efficient

Here are 7 tips to help make your winter cleaning more efficient:

  1. Hire a reliable and professional cleaning company (need a free estimate? Click here!)
  2. Be consistent with your cleaning routine and consider increasing the frequency of cleaning places such as restrooms, break rooms, and other common areas 
  3. Declutter your office space and home
  4. Keep up with vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping weekly or daily depending on your needs
  5. Keep a stock of clean rags, sponges, dusters, and cleaning products  
  6. Deep clean shared bathrooms, kitchens, and living spaces 
  7. Wipe down door knobs, light switches, and other high-touch point areas 

Don’t forget to dust!

The importance of dusting during the winter time

During the winter season when offices and homes are more closed up, you’re not opening windows and getting as much fresh air in the building compared to the spring and summer months. This means that dust and germs pile up and get trapped more easily. Dusting and disinfecting high-traffic surfaces daily is a must for any winter cleaning best practices! Check all window blinds, shelves, and other high (or low) places where dust likes to settle. This will help with keeping your home or office feeling fresh instead of stuffy. 

Don’t forget to give your floors a little TLC

Don’t forget to give your floors a little TLC

With winter comes a few unique challenges to keep your business or home clean and dry in the floor department. Floors get extra messy this time of year. Snow and ice from winter storms can cause problems such as wet floors, while sand and salt used to melt the ice can make your floors gritty and look unappealing. Dirty floors can create slick surfaces that could cause employees and customers to slip or fall. Taking care of your floors is not only important but a very crucial aspect of your winter cleaning routine! This means keeping up with daily or weekly mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming in entryways, hallways, and other high-traffic areas such as kitchens and common living spaces.

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